We've been working on the companion way hatches this week as well. Here is the beginnings of one of them, consisting of a strong teak frame that will get a subdeck of plywood and then a teak overlay. These main hatches will be finished bright.

Here you can see the teak overlay planking being held in place with lead bags while the epoxy cures.

The companionway coamings and trim are also of teak.

Here is one of the beam lashing blocks, bolted glued and filleted in place. All 12 of these are now completed.

In this photo the cockpit ledgers that the cockpit hangs from on the beams are being clamped and glued in place.

Here the cockpit is hanging in place from the beams for the first time. Now this is starting to feel like a boat, and to feel much bigger. That's the way these Wharram catamarans are once they are assembled. The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts, and despite the fact that each hull is relatively small, when joined together by beams and cockpit structures, even a Tiki 30 has a big boat feel.

Another view of the boat with beams and cockpit in place.

This is the leading edge of the cockpit box, angled off to present less resistance to wave tops in a choppy sea.

One of the forward hatch openings can be seen here. These will be fitted with Bomar extruded aluminum hatches.

This is the view from inside the starboard cabin, looking aft at the electric panel. In addition to things like the battery switch and a circuit panel for navigation lights and other electrics, the navigation station will also be in this aft area of the starboard hull.